Tuesday, May 23, 2006

May Run

Well!!!! I did go out camping for the May long weekend. It's the first opportunity to camp after a long winter and we just can't seem to resist it. Woke up to pouring rain Saturday morning but this settled down by afternoon and we were able to sit around the campfire.

Woke up to Snow, yes SNOW, on Sunday morning. Increased the heat a bit in the trailer and settled in with my husband and poodles for a restful day. Of course I never go camping without a couple of knitting projects and some reading so I knit the back of a cardigan and half of one front. I also managed to read a few chapters of a new book "The Converging" by a local writer, George Staatman. This is a very well written book for a first book but not for the faint of heart. It's a fiction, in the lines of early Steven King and is very gruesome and graphic. I'm enjoying it and will definitely read anything else Mr. Straatman comes out with.

Today is warmer. Back at work and finished up a little felted cell phone bag which I will felt this evening.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Back on Track

Finally, I'm back on track with this blog site. Hopefully, I'll be able to add some new things over the next few days.
I'm knitting on Chemo caps, any different ideas for patterns would be greatly appreciated and needed.

Some nice new yarns have come in. Patons has a new silverlash that I'll be trying for new scarves and shrugs or capelets, it should look neat.

Up and running

Finally! Time to work on this blog and get it moving. It's been a long difficult winter. *s*
Have knitted many things, a lot of socks and I'm now starting some new Chemo caps which are turning out niceley.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Shadow knitting

First try at shadow knitting today. I'm doing a scarf with hearts to it but not so sure this is working out right. Will post later when I know what I'm doing...*S*